1 PC $29.953 PCs $59.95 Upgrade |
you need UpdateStar Drivers
UpdateStar Drivers optimizes your computer performance and experience with a powerful driver
management. Device drivers are software programs that communicate between
your computer and your hardware devices. It is important that you use only the
most recent drivers on your computer.
It lets you update, backup and restore drivers automatically. UpdateStar Drivers analyzes your system drivers and recommends available drivers for your system. Our driver database contains tens of thousands of device drivers for hardware devices such as motherboards, web cams, printers, video cards, sound cards, network cards, modems, monitors, keyboards, and many more. No more wasted time trying to find device drivers No more frustrations at not being able to find the exact drivers you need No more need to become a computer expert to find and download drivers No more fear about installing the wrong driver, crashing your computer No need to live with device problems caused by faulty drivers
Update your drivers the smart way
UpdateStar Drivers analyzes your
computer and searches for available driver updates in our
database with tens of thousands of device drivers available. It
automatically detects which drivers need
an update and provides reliable downloads. You can backup your
existing drivers and install the driver updates.
Top reasons why our users use UpdateStar Drivers
New! Easy
to use interface scans, downloads, updates and installs
drivers on your computer
Enhanced! Accurately detects your computer brand and model, plus all connected hardware devices, including unplugged devices such as USB webcams, MP3 players Enhanced! The database supports more than 189,000 hardware devices Our reliable database service is maintained by automated crawlers, electronic driver file analysis, and manual reviews before new driver files are added to our database The database uses 24x7 automated crawlers and analysis to add newly available driver updates as quickly as possible We provide fastest driver downloads sourced from original manufacturers and relayed over our storage infrastructure for best availability Get the free trial version and learn how easy is is to get started with our Getting Started guide. |