Updates Are Non-Negotiable!
With the new UpdateStar, immerse yourself in the assurance of a seamlessly secure and up-to-date computing environment. Our expansive database, featuring 1.8 million software titles, ensures your software is always enhanced with the latest upgrades, including those pivotal minor improvements. Stay secure with UpdateStar!
The easy way to equip your computer with software
UpdateStar's Packs are software collections with top-rated essential programs - always up to date thanks to UpdateStar Premium Edition. No matter, if you need to setup a new computer with a basic software setup or want to update your current computer, Packs offer an easy way to find and install up to date essential software programs on your computer. Each Pack addresses specific user needs.

Create your own perfect Pack for yourself or to share with friends by using the "Export" feature within the UpdateStar Premium Edition software client.
How to import the .xus Packs
All UpdateStar Packs come as .xus import files for your installed UpdateStar software client. Simply import the Pack into UpdateStar. Scan for latest versions for all Pack included programs and start to download and install the programs one by one.
Provides users with freeware with essential functionalities, which are also available with other commercial applications. Of course some of the commercial software have more options, but you might want to give the free alternatives a try first. Learn More...
 .xus file - Import for UpdateStar
Coming with all up to date essential freeware applications you need for your new Windows PC: Web Browser, E-mail Client, OpenOffice, Image Editor, Music and Video Jukebox, File Compression, PDF Reader, Torrent Client, and more must-have applications. Learn More...
 .xus file - Import for UpdateStar

Providing you with all up to date essential programs you need to make your PC secure. Learn More...
 .xus file - Import for UpdateStar
Equipping you with all essential up-to-date freeware applications you need for an optimal web surfing and multimedia experience on your PC. Learn More...
 .xus file - Import for UpdateStar
Provides you with all office applications you need to get productivity started on your PC. Includes 20 full free and up to date applications to help solve your daily office tasks. Learn More...
 .xus file - Import for UpdateStar
You want to contribute a Pack to us or you think a must-have application is missing in one of the UpdateStar Packs? Send us your suggestion! We will add more UpdateStar Packs in the future.

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