Welcome to UpdateStar Help, the online help resource for UpdateStar Premium Edition and UpdateStar Freeware Edition users. If you cannot find an answer to one of your questions under this section, please send an email to our email to our support team with your technical questions. Send an email to our email to our sales team for all licensing related questions. We are always here to help!

What is UpdateStar?

UpdateStar is the program that lets you stay up-to-date with all of your personal software you are using on your computer. You can use UpdateStar to look for available updates and manage all of your installations, install updates or uninstall programs on your computer.

An UpdateStar icon will appear in your system tray and display a notification when updates are available. This way you make sure to always use the most up-to-date software, maximizing your every-day user experience.

Why do I want to use UpdateStar to keep my software setup updated?

UpdateStar simplifies your software life. It offers you an automated and complete one-stop information place for your complete software setup. Once UpdateStar informs you about an available update, you may inform yourself about the details of the software and you can decide to install the update with just a few clicks.

Is UpdateStar free?

Yes! UpdateStar is available as Freeware and as a Premium version, meaning that you have the right to download and use UpdateStar for under the terms of the End User License Agreement.

How can I use UpdateStar to automatically inform me about updates?

Once installed, UpdateStar informs you about available upgrades for your installed programs. By default the UpdateStar icon will appear in your system tray and inform you, when an update for you is available. Simply click on the icon to learn more about the available update(s). To change the settings, please open the "Preferences" tab in your UpdateStar.

Are the updates offered through UpdateStar free?

UpdateStar keeps you up-to-date regarding your software programs, freeware, shareware and Commercial software. If an available update is free or not depends on the licensing terms of each software vendor.

Can I buy software licenses through UpdateStar?

Yes. UpdateStar partnered with hundreds of software vendors and associated e-commerce partners to provide world-class services for UpdateStar users. UpdateStar offers competitive prices and special offers. You are free to choose from the UpdateStar online shop, directly from the software vendor or other trusted partners we work with.

Why should I buy my software licenses through UpdateStar?

The UpdateStar team tries to refinance all expenses by offering users convenient sales options within the application to keep UpdateStar a free service to the millions of users. Thanks to all the users and software buyers for supporting UpdateStar!

I would like to acquire a license for a commercial update I have received through UpdateStar. How can I do that?

UpdateStar offers you an automated and complete one-stop information place for your complete software setup. This includes downloads as well as further options regarding your updates including the purchase of licenses. In the "Details" section for your specific product you can find also information about how to purchase a license.

Is purchasing a software license through UpdateStar safe and secure?

Yes. We work with highly-trusted industry leading service companies. You have the option to acquire licenses from the UpdateStar online shop as well as from the original vendor website. To do so, simply use your preferred purchase option from within the product "Details" tab within UpdateStar.

What is the "Easy & Secure Guarantee?"

Our "Easy & Secure Guarantee" assures you that purchasing software through UpdateStar is proven easy & secure. UpdateStar partnered with hundreds of trusted software vendors and is associated with industry leading e-commerce partners to provide world-class services for UpdateStar users.

UpdateStar offers competitive prices as well as special offers: UpdateStar provides you with excellent product prices combined with your familiar online shopping experience. You are free to purchase from the UpdateStar online shop, directly from the software vendor or other trusted partners we work with.

To do so, simply use your preferred purchase option from within the product "Details" tab within UpdateStar.

What are the system requirements for UpdateStar?

UpdateStar runs with Windows 11, 10, and 8.

If I choose not to update a program initially, can I install it later?

You can easily install available updates for your programs at any time. To do so, please follow these steps:

1. Double-click the UpdateStar icon in your Windows system tray.

2. Once open, select the "Program List" view. This way you can easily recognize and filter program with available updates waiting.

3. The program list shows you available software updates for your current installations.

4. Now you can choose to download and install specific updates from the program list.

The "Details" Section provides you with more details about each program, download links and licensing links.

Can I define which updates UpdateStar should monitor for me?

You can easily customize UpdateStar. To select and deselect the programs you would like to receive update information about, please follow these steps:

1. Open UpdateStar, e.g. by double-clicking the UpdateStar icon in your Windows system tray.

2. Switch to the UpdateStar "Program List" view and make sure to activate the Program List column "Search for Updates".

3. Now you may activate and deactivate the "Search for Updates" function for each program individually in the Program Listing according to your needs.

From now on UpdateStar will only inform you of available updates for the selected programs.

UpdateStar does not recognise a program I have installed. What can I do?

UpdateStar uses a learning software database. If your program is not yet recognized by UpdateStar, then it is already marked for inclusion. Due to the high number of available software products world-wide, this may take a few days. In a short while UpdateStar should also recognize your program.

I downloaded an update/a program through UpdateStar. How do I start the installation?

When downloading a program, please remember where you saved the download file. Once the download process has finished, you may start the update installation double-clicking on the downloaded file.

Can I use UpdateStar with my Mac?

UpdateStar is currently not available for Mac OS. We may consider to offer a Mac version in the future.

Can I use UpdateStar with 64-bit Windows?

Yes, UpdateStar runs with 64-bit Windows systems.

Can I define my proxy information in UpdateStar?

If you are using a proxy server to connect to the internet, you may to configure the details in your UpdateStar preferences. This allows you to connect to the internet. To configure your proxy server detail, please follow these steps:

1. Open UpdateStar, e.g. by double-clicking the UpdateStar icon in your Windows system tray.

2. Go to the UpdateStar "Settings" and click on the "Connection" tab.

3. Select "Manual Proxy Configuration. There you can enter your proxy information.

4. Click "OK" to save the changed configuration.

Please contact your system administrator, if you are unsure about your proxy server configuration.

I sent an e-mail to the UpdateStar team. Why haven't you responded so far?

As the UpdateStar project is a freeware project, we ask you for a little patience with answering your e-mail request. Nonetheless we do our best to answer every e-mail request you send us.

Who is working on UpdateStar?

The UpdateStar team consists of developers who have a long experience and are passionate about developing software for the Windows platform. See the About Us section on the UpdateStar website to learn more or get in contact with us. You are always welcome.

Where do I submit feature requests?

Please submit your ideas and request here we_care@UpdateStar.com.

Can I install UpdateStar if I don't have administrative rights on my computer?

Yes. To use UpdateStar you do not need administrative rights.

Why should I use UpdateStar to update my programs?

UpdateStar simplifies your software life. It offers you an automated and complete one-stop information place for your complete software setup. Once UpdateStar informs you about an available update, you may inform yourself about the details of the software and you can decide to install the update with just a few clicks.

I installed UpdateStar, but I cannot see an UpdateStar icon in my system tray. Where is it?

The UpdateStar icon may be hidden in the notification area. This can be the case if you have a large number of icons in the notification area of the task bar. To show the hidden icons click the arrow on the left edge of the notification area.

Do I have to make use of all available updates for my programs?

UpdateStar informs you about available updates for your personal software setup. You decide which of the available updates you wish to install and license. You can also configure UpdateStar individually according to your needs to only inform you about specific program updates available.

Please note: For security related programs, e.g. Internet security software, we always recommend to always use the latest program versions.

Is it safe to uninstall programs using UpdateStar?

Yes. UpdateStar also acts as an improved "Add or Remove Programs" and uses the same Windows integrated functionalities as "Add or Remove Programs". UpdateStar uses the program dependend deinstallation routines like "Add or Remove Programs" does, so no worries.

How do I uninstall programs?

UpdateStar acts as a powerful and improved "Add or Remove Programs". Simply use UpdateStar as you would use "Add or Remove Programs". It uses the same Windows integrated functionalities like "Add or Remove Programs". It is as safe to manage your programs setup with UpdateStar as with "Add or Remove programs".

To uninstall a program using UpdateStar, please follow these steps:

1. Open UpdateStar, e.g. by double-clicking the UpdateStar icon in your Windows system tray.

2. Select the program you want to uninstall from the Program List view.

3. Now you may select "Uninstall" from the Details section of the selected program.

Where does the downloaded software install itself on my computer?

The location where downloaded software is installed depends on the setup method of each individual software package. For most software packages this means you get to choose where the software is installed during the installation process.

What are the system requirements for UpdateStar?

UpdateStar runs with Windows 10, 8, 7, Vista and XP.

Can I review my installation history?

Yes, UpdateStar offers you to review your installation history. To do so, follow these steps:

1. Open UpdateStar

2. Click History on the Action tab.

If I decide to uninstall UpdateStar, will this affect my other program installations and updates in any way?

No, the installation and uninstallation of UpdateStar does not affect other software programs.

But why would anyone want to uninstall UpdateStar?

Does UpdateStar update itself?

Yes, UpdateStar makes sure that you are always using the up-to-date version to optimize your user experience with UpdateStar.

UpdateStar says there is an UpdateStar update available. What should I do?

We are constantly improving UpdateStar. UpdateStar is able to update itself. Once the message appears, accept the update and the download will be initiated in the background. This may take a few minutes.

After the download was finished, UpdateStar will ask to be allowed to close. You have to accept that to let UpdateStar install the new version in the background. Once the update is finished, UpdateStar will automatically start all over.

If I choose not to update a program initially, can I install it later?

You can update your programs at any time. To do so, please follow these steps:

1. Double-click the UpdateStar icon in your Windows system tray.

2. Once open, select the "Program List" view. This way you can easily recognize and filter programs with available updates waiting.

3. The program list shows you available software updates for your current installations.

4. Now you can choose to download an update from the program list. The "Details" Section provides you with more details about each program, download links and licensing links.

Can I set individual preferences using UpdateStar?

In the "Preferences" section you can configure several options for your personal setup of UpdateStar. You can define when to check for newly available updates as well as the automatic start with the launch of Windows.

To set your own UpdateStar preferences, please follow these steps:

1. Open UpdateStar, e.g. by double-clicking the UpdateStar icon in your Windows system tray.

2. Once open, select "Preferences" form the "Action" tab to view your settings.

3. Now you can choose to change the settings according to your needs.

Click "OK" once you are finished configuring the settings.

I noticed a program that UpdateStar does not offer the newest version for a program. What is the reason for this?

Our UpdateStar program database is "made by the users for the users". If a program is not yet recognized by UpdateStar, it might currently be reviewed by our team. In a short while the newly available update should also be shown by UpdateStar.

There are some more reasons why UpdateStar might not show an available update. For example we do not include pre-release alpha or beta software. UpdateStar provides its users only with stable non-beta programs.

Can I use UpdateStar with Linux?

UpdateStar is currently not available for Linux. We may consider to offer a Linux version in the future.

Can I use UpdateStar with 64-bit Windows?

Yes, UpdateStar runs with 64-bit Windows systems.

How will I know when an update is available via UpdateStar?

UpdateStar offers you an automated and complete one-stop information place for your complete software setup. By default UpdateStar checks for updates regarding your individual software setup automatically. The UpdateStar icon will appear in your system tray and inform you, when an update for you is available for download. Simply click on the icon to learn more about the available update.

I am using a program with a language version other than the language the update is offered for. What can I do?

UpdateStar offers you more information options about an available update in the details section. Simply click on the program within the "Program List" in UpdateStar and the details section offers you more links for more information, e.g. on the vendors website. You can easily make use of the information links to find out, if your language version is already available.

I want UpdateStar to update only some of my software. Is this possible?

You can select and deselect the programs you would like to receive update information about:

1. Open UpdateStar, e.g. by double-clicking the UpdateStar icon in your Windows system tray.

2. Go to the UpdateStar "Action" tab using the "Program List" view and make sure to activate the Program List column "Search for updates".

3. Now you may activate and deactivate the "Search for Update" function for each program individually in the Program List.

I downloaded an update through UpdateStar. How can I install the update now?

When downloading a program, please remember where you saved the download file. Once the download process has finished, you may start the update installation double-clicking on the downloaded file.

Why should I upgrade to the Premium Edition?

The Free Edition offers basic protection with limited features against outdated programs on your PC, which might lead to vulnerabilities.The Premium Edition offers added features such as security advisory, minor version info, exports, scheduling and more. You may request your free Premium trial license from here. You can find attractive bundle offers on our promotions webpage.

I received Premium Edition license via email. How do I activate the software?

Simply open the UpdateStar application on your PC. You can enter your license information in the ‘Premium Edition’ menu tab. Once you entered or pasted your license, UpdateStar Premium will be activated.

My trial license is about do expire. What can I do?

If your Premium trial license has expired or is about to expire you can easily acquire your Premium full license. Simply purchase your full license in our online shop. You can find attractive bundle offers on our promotions webpage

My Premium license has expired. Can do I renew my license?

If your Premium license has expired or is about to expire you can easily renew your Premium license. Simply purchase your upgrade license in our online shop. As a licensee you qualify for the attractive upgrade price.

Can I use my UpdateStar Premium license on several PCs?

It depends on your Premium Edition license. You will need one license per computer. We offer attractive volume pricing in our online shop.

What is minor update version information?

UpdateStar Premium does not only offer major version update information, but also minor upgrade information for earlier major versions on many programs. If you are using an earlier major version of a software product, UpdateStar Premium also displays information about updates and patches for minor upgrades you can install without having to migrate to a new major version. This is a Premium Edition feature only.

What do the displayed security levels for programs imply?

UpdateStar Premium additionally displays security levels for your programs. These security ratings are based on historic vulnerabilities and security problems. They help to identify important updates for your installations. Easily identify security related updates for your programs using the Premium Edition security levels and prioritize these updates for optimized security. This is a Premium Edition feature only.

Very critical program (5 of 5 Shields)
This program should always be up-to-date. Known critical security vulnerabilities for this program occured historically and security leaks are likely to be discovered again. Play on the safe side and install latest available updates for this program as soon as they are available. UpdateStar Premium will inform you once and for your installation is available.

Highly critical program (4 of 5 Shields)
Definitely keep this program up-to-date. Known security vulnerabilities for this program occured historically and security leaks may be discovered again. For peace of mind, keep programs with this severity level up-to-date. UpdateStar Premium will inform you once and for your installation is available.

Medium critical program (3 of 5 Shields)
It is a good idea to have an eye on available updates for this program and keep it up-to-date. Historic vulnerabilities have not necessarily been severe, but for peace of mind keep it up-to-date. UpdateStar Premium will inform you once and for your installation is available.

Less critical program (2 of 5 Shields)
No severe historic vulnerabilites are known and are unlikely to occur in the future. You may keep this program up-to-date, if you like. UpdateStar Premium will inform you once and for your installation is available.

Non-critical program (1 of 5 Shields)
There are no known security related issues and no known threads historically available for this program. So no urgent update is necessary once available. But from time to time it might make sense to check for an update.

I updated a program to a newer version. UpdateStar still shows the older version as 'Installed version'. Why that?

You have done everything right. UpdateStar receives all information regarding 'Installed version' from the third-party programs, for example from the Windows Registry. Unfortunately some software vendors do not pay attentiona and lack accuracy when offering updates. In this case UpdateStar still receives the older version information from the third-party product. Thanks to the high number of UpdateStar users, many software vendors already mmade their products UpdateStar compliant. If you find a software delivering a false 'Installed version', feel free to contact the technical support of this specific product. This allows the vendor to become UpdateStar compliant.

A security program alerted me because of UpdateStar. What can I do?

We can assure you that UpdateStar is free from malicious code. You might contact your security program vendor's support team to get a detailed answer, as we have no influence on the accuracy of third-party security programs.

Please inform us if this has happened to you, as we are also interested to prevent such cases in the interest of our users. It would be helpful if you could send us the following information:

1. Name of your security program.

2. The content of the alert, e.g. flagged file or folder.

Thank you for your help.

Why am I getting a firewall message about UpdateStar?

Your firewall software controls all programs that want to connect to the internet. To receive update information from UpdateStar you have to allow UpdateStar to connect to our servers to deliver the desired information. Your security software should easily let you configure these rules. Usually a simple acceptance of a firewall request will do.

Why am I getting an anti-spyware message about UpdateStar?

We can assure you that UpdateStar runs as an anonymous free service and is only active according to the user wishes. You might contact your security program vendor's support team to get a detailed answer, as we have no influence on the accuracy of third-party security programs.

Please inform us if this has happened to you, as we are also interested to prevent such cases in the future in the interest of our users. It would be helpful if you could send us the following information:

1. Name of your security program.

2. The content of the alert, e.g. flagged file or folder.

Thank you for your help.

I received an error message that a download website is currently not available. What can I do?

As we are using UpdateStar servers as well as trustworthy external vendor sources, there might be a temporary problem with a specific vendor server. Please try again later. If the problem persists, please inform the UpdateStar team. As our UpdateStar program database is "made by the users for the users" we highly depend on your feedback. The UpdateStar team (and the other users) appreciate it!

It would be helpful if you could send us the following information:

1. Name of the program you tried to download.

2. The content of the error message you received.

Thank you for your help.

When installing an update for a program I downloaded through UpdateStar I receive an error message. What can I do?

UpdateStar provides you with the most up-to-date software for your individual software setup. If you run into a problem with an installation of an update for one of your programs, it is caused by the third-party program. Please refer to the error message and follow the instructions, if there are any. Please contact the support team of the software vendor to receive help.

I am receiving an internet connection error. What is the problem?

UpdateStar requires an internet connection to check for available updates, offer downloads and installation of your individual software setup. If you receive this message, please check if your internet connection is active and correctly working. UpdateStar provides you with the most up-to-date software for your individual software setup. If you run into a problem with an installation of an update for one of your programs, it is caused by the third-party program. Please refer to the error message and follow the instructions, if there are any. Please contact the support team of the software vendor to receive help.

When clicking on the "Help" tab I receive an error message: "This file does not have a program associated with it for performing this action. Create an association in the Folder Options control panel." Why that?

This error message appears, because there is a problem with file associations on your system or the standard browser settings. Please check your standard browser settings.

When clicking on a download or information link from a program's "Details" section, I receive an error message: "There is no application associated with the given file name extension." Why that?

When clicking on a download link, your standard web browser should open. If you receive an error message "This file does not have a program associated with it to performing this action." there is a problem with file associations on your system or the standard browser settings. Please check your standard browser settings.

Vista users find help regarding default programs on the Microsoft website.

XP users find help regarding default programs on the Microsoft website.

When clicking on a download or information link from a program's "Details" section, the web browser opens an empty webpage. Why that?

When clicking on a download link, your standard web browser should open with the requested webpage. Some internet security programs do not allow external applications to open the web browser. Please check your security settings.

I updated one of my programs and UpdateStar is still showing the old version as being installed. What's wrong?

You did everything right. And your program installation is most probably doing fine. All “Installed version” information always is delivered by the program itself (from within the Windows Registry). Some programs do deliver short or simply outdated version information, although showing it correctly, when started. The UpdateStar software recognition algorithms are being developed further to also cover the programs sending irregular version information.

The UpdateStar "Program List" view displays different status icons for the programs. What do these icons stand for?

The program is up-to-date.
There is a newer version available for this program.
UpdateStar recognizes the program, but was not able to identify the installed version.
The program is unknown in the UpdateStar database.

Why is UpdateStar not available in my language?

UpdateStar is available with several languages versions. We strive to offer it in more languages in the future. Please check on our localization webpage, which language versions are available. To translate your own language file, please follow the easy to use localization instructions page.

What does the term "scrobble" indicate?

When the UpdateStar freeware client performs an automatic check for an available update for a program on a user's PC, we call this "scrobbling" an installation.

I am using programs without installation on a mobile USB drive. Can I also let UpdateStar check these programs?

No, UpdateStar only checks updates for those programs installed under Windows.

I installed UpdateStar, but the UpdateStar icon in my Windows system tray is missing. Where is it?

If the UpdateStar icon is missing in the Windows system tray, you might have denied this option when you installed UpdateStar. UpdateStar cannot notify you about available updates via the system tray icon. You may uninstall UpdateStar from your Add/Remove Programs window. You can find Add/Remove Programs via "Start/Settings/Control Panel". Once uninstalled simply reinstall UpdateStar and make sure to allow the UpdateStar icon to appear in the task tray, within the installation process.

What is the UpdateStar Privacy Policy?

UpdateStar is serious about protecting your private sphere. This privacy policy statement concerns UpdateStar and the use and compilation of data. You can find out more about the UpdateStar privacy policy here.

Is it secure and anonymous to use UpdateStar?

Yes, using UpdateStar is anonymous and follows our privacy policy. We never ask for any personal data of yours, such as your name or e-mail address. You can find out more about the UpdateStar privacy policy here.

My anti-virus program alerted me regarding UpdateStar. What is the problem?

We can assure you that UpdateStar is free from malicious code. You might contact your security program vendor's support team to get a detailed answer, as we have no influence on the accuracy of third-party security programs.

Please inform us if this has happened to you, as we are also interested to prevent such cases in the interest of our users. It would be helpful if you could send us the following information:

1. Name of your security program.

2. The content of the alert, e.g. flagged file or folder.

Thank you for your help.

I started a download and it is still in progress without seeing an end. What can I do?

As we are using UpdateStar servers as well as trustworthy external vendor sources, there might be a temporary problem with a specific vendor server. Please try again later. If the problem persists, please inform the UpdateStar team. As our UpdateStar program database is "made by the users for the users" we highly depend on your feedback. The UpdateStar team (and the other users) appreciate it!

It would be helpful if you could send us the following information:

1. Name of the program you tried to download.

2. The content of the error message you received.

Thank you for your help.

Which programs and program updates does UpdateStar support?

UpdateStar offers you an automated and complete one-stop information place for your complete software setup. You receive update information regarding tens of thousands of commercial, shareware and freeware programs.

I would like to license a program I have received through UpdateStar. How can I do that?

UpdateStar offers you an automated and complete one-stop information place for your complete software setup. This includes downloads as well as further options regarding your updates including the purchase of licenses. In the "Details" section for your specific product you can find also information about how to purchase a license.

Purchasing a product through UpdateStar is secure. We work with highly-trusted industry leading service companies. You may have the option to acquire licenses from the UpdateStar online shop as well as from the original vendor website. To do so, simply use your preferred purchase option from within UpdateStar.

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