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UpdateStar uses, among other sources of input, the PAD file standard that allows publishers to communicate updates of their software products.

What is PAD?

PAD stands for Portable Application Description. PAD files are XML files that adhere to the PAD XML schema. It's a standard format that is used by UpdateStar and a large number of other software directories.

How do I create and publish a PAD file?

PAD files can be created and published online using the PAD Publisher Control Panel.

How do I submit my PAD files to UpdateStar?

UpdateStar uses the PAD Repository API to add and update information from PAD files contained in the PAD Repository. Therefore, once you have published your PAD file in the PAD Repository it will be picked up automatically by UpdateStar.

PAD files must adhere to the PAD specification version 4.0 or higher. If your PAD file uses an older version or if you have any trouble submitting your file through the form below, please contact

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