UpdateStar Partners
matter, if you have a huge or small audience, you're invited to join our
partner program and provide your audience with your own UpdateStar OEM
software version or a white-labeled UpdateStar software search platform.
Resellers of our commercial product versions are also highly welcome as well
as advertisers!
Advertise with us
The UpdateStar platform for discovering software, apps and
updates offers a distinct advantage in assisting advertisers to reach an
international audience with their product ads. With 35 million unique users
per year spanning the globe and 180 million ad impressions, UpdateStar can
be a recommended ally in enhancing the visibility of your products and services on a global scale. Pay only for the results you get (CPC, CPD, CPI).
brand awareness with our display solutions
offer optimal visibility for your ads by using high viewable placements only
placements follow IAB standard ad formats for a seamless setup
offer diverse segmentation options to precisely target your audience
your goals and pay only for the results you get (CPC, CPD, CPI)
Please contact our
advertising team for information.
Why join?
Here are some of the reasons why becoming an UpdateStar partner is a profitable venture:
- UpdateStar's products are leading in their areas.
- UpdateStar's products address home users with single licensing options as well as corporate customers with volume licensing options.
- UpdateStar offers partner most attractive partner margins. The handling of UpdateStar products and licensing are optimized for reseller processing.
OEM product versions
Our OEM program is targeted towards computer system and
storage device manufacturers, system integrators, and value-added resellers.
Under the terms of our OEM program, UpdateStar partners include our
award-winning products as OEM solutions bundled or embedded into the
partner's hardware or software offerings. For example using your own
UpdateStar Premium OEM version means the OEM partner lets users profit
from our world-class software update service. UpdateStar Premium acts also as the perfect product add-on for any security software vendor. Choosing an award-winning UpdateStar OEM product guarantees a real value addition to the partner's hardware offerings.
If you are a systems integrator, manufacturer of PCs and other hardware, or a software vendor, we want to work with you. Please
contact the UpdateStar team for further information.
API & private-label partners
We cooperate with partners looking to add valuable content in the area of software to their software products as well as their online platforms. The
UpdateStar Software Search Engine can be licensed and used with white-labeled content. An UpdateStar OEM version in combination with our white-label content platform drives constant user traffic to our partner platforms. By using our API software vendors may add a valuable service to their software products. Please contact our partner management for any partnership inquiries.