What is UpdateStar?
Trusted by millions of active users each month, our products allow users to backup their data, receive updates for their software and device drivers and maintain their computers in good shape.

Headquartered in Berlin our mission is to deliver essential software Made in Germany to home users as well as corporate users. UpdateStar provides users with software update information for millions of installations every day.

The UpdateStar Software Portal acts as an up-to-date software repository. Our content team adds new apps and content every day to complete the UpdateStar catalog, always ensuring to offer the most recent versions.

We reach out to developers of the software before featuring these on UpdateStar, but sometimes this isn't successful at the time of their software's inclusion, because we employ automated systems to identify and select new software. It is always our aim to foster collaboration with software developers and maximize the visibility of their products. To this end, we warmly welcome them to leverage our global platform to their advantage.

The UpdateStar Software Portal offers users access to our database with more than 1,818,000 software products. UpdateStar allows users to access and acquire all of their software, updates and downloads as well as licenses from one place.

Why UpdateStar?
UpdateStar puts users first and offers world-class products and services combined with a world-class support. That's why UpdateStar is trusted by a community of millions of users! UpdateStar is a long-year Microsoft Certified Partner and has an excellent reputation among the world-wide user base, as for example our Web of Trust (WOT) reputation scorecard shows. Press and customers alike give our products and services excellent reviews.

Feel free to test-drive our products. Plus the UpdateStar portal acts as your free software source for all the software you are looking for. Plus our users get a free UpdateStar membership and can create free accounts. No more fear of losing a license. This way our users can get easy access to all of their UpdateStar licenses at any time. Get your own free account here!
The management team consists of members with a proven track and years of experience in building successful companies within the software industry.
The UpdateStar project aims to ease every computer user's software life. UpdateStar provides an outstanding free service every computer user can benefit from. Our global user community helps to build and complete the UpdateStar database by providing up to date data to the UpdateStar database. The positive reactions we receive every day show us just how much users world-wide love the idea of UpdateStar - easing everyone's software life.
How our users support UpdateStar
Crowdsourcing works and the UpdateStar program database successfully relies on the users. Users of UpdateStar voluntarily submit update information for software products to the benefit of all other users. Programs and program information are constantly anonymously added to the UpdateStar software database making it already the most complete software database available - always up-to-date.
Secure Crowdsourcing
After reviewing submitted program and update information, UpdateStar provides newly added information via update alerts in the UpdateStar software client and the software search engine. UpdateStar's secure crowdsourcing approach allows our users to keep their PC's software updated to minimize their PC's security vulnerability level.
Projects we like

Please contact us with any service questions, business development or press inquiries. 

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