Here you can find background information about the management team involved in the UpdateStar project.

Frank Alperstaedt

Frank simply loves to turn good ideas into software products. Frank Alperstaedt has been in executive decision making positions within the software industry for years, growing successful companies from scratch, both domestically and internationally. He is interested in the strategic development of ideas and the overall business of the companies, with which he is involved. He sees it as his mission to position his products where they belong: ahead of the competition.

However, Frank spends most of his time trying to fund Olaf's seemingly endless list of new ideas and products. Frank holds a master of business science from Freie Universität Berlin.
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Michael Ganss

Michael oversees the development of UpdateStar from a developer's perspective and attempts to cope with Frank's endless feature requests. His many years of experience in executive positions within the software industry bring invaluable insight to the UpdateStar project by reaching out to an installation base numbering in the tens of millions, significantly easing every computer user's software life.

Michael holds an M.S. in Computer Science from the Technische Universität Berlin.
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Olaf Kehrer

Usually, Olaf sits in a dark room and hacks programs into machines, only being let out for a coffee break or a new episode of House, M.D. When he is not busy getting ideas for the next software project to spend money on, he's managing the development team, which is responsible for building our applications.

In 1996, he graduated with a degree in Computer Science from the Technische Universität Berlin. Right after leaving, he started his first software company, O&O Software together with a fellow student. The O&O Group now serves customers in 140 countries and has partners in more than 50 countries.
Olaf's profile on 

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