Our intention
To simplify the users software life. To ease the every-day life of a computer user. That's what we want and that's what UpdateStar is there for. The positive feedback we receive from our user community each day shows just how impressed users are with the UpdateStar project. The UpdateStar product portfolio: UpdateStar Freeware, UpdateStar Premium, UpdateStar Drivers, UpdateStar Product Key Finder, UpdateStar Password FinderUpdateStar SigParser, UpdateStar Video Converter, and UpdateStar AppCleaner.
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As a member of the press you are invited to test-drive our products. Please send us an e-mail with your contact information to press@updatestar.com to receive free evaluation licenses for all of UpdateStar's products.
The idea behind UpdateStar!
The average computer user has a set of used applications that these days easily ranges from 30 to 80 programs. The wide variety of programs include security critical anti-virus and anti-malware programs, as well as graphic apps, home & hobby apps, communications apps, business apps and audio & multimedia, and many more. UpdateStar's vertical approach to how users access and acquire all of their software delivers software information, downloads, updates as well as the licenses the users want and need.
Why should software be up to date?
Without spending a significant amount of time it is difficult to keep up to date with all of these personal applications. It is often critical, however, to update certain programs, and regardless, users sometimes simply want to optimize their every-day computer experience in areas such as home & hobby applications or audio & multimedia. Prior to UpdateStar, keeping up to date with all programs was a time consuming task, involving users visiting numerous vendor websites or software portals to look for the new version of their programs.
Let UpdateStar do the work!
Now those same users have UpdateStar to keep their software set up to date. UpdateStar not only informs you about new versions, it also provides detailed information about the programs, as well as offering licensing options with favorable conditions. Finally an application exists that eases the every-day life of a computer user: UpdateStar!
UpdateStar covers it all!
UpdateStar covers all of your freeware, shareware, demos, commercial software, and includes special offers.
Press contact
Frank Alperstaedt
Phone: +49-30-692006520
Press mailing list
Please send us an e-mail with your contact information to press@updatestar.com to join our press mailing list.
Text and image material
Our application facts web pages offer facts, text and full color images of UpdateStar's software products, suitable for downloading and incorporating into magazines, newspapers, websites and other media resources.
about UpdateStar
The team 
UpdateStar Free & Premium application facts
UpdateStar Drivers application facts
UpdateStar Product Key Finder application facts
UpdateStar Password Finder application facts
UpdateStar SigParser application facts
UpdateStar Video Converter application facts
UpdateStar AppCleaner application facts

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