Product name
Current Version
Release Status
Freeware Edition - Freeware
Premium Edition - Commercial
System Utilities
Download Size
8 MB
Free and Premium from $34.95
Short description
UpdateStar is the perfect addition to the Windows Update Service. It is the program that lets users stay up to date and secure with all the personal third-party software on their computer.
Long description 
UpdateStar is the perfect addition to the Windows Update Service. It lets users stay up to date and secure with all of their personal third-party software on their computer. This way users can make sure to always have the latest version of their precious software, maximizing the every-day user experience. UpdateStar covers freeware and shareware as well as commercial software, and includes special offers.
Target audience 
UpdateStar is for people who rely and depend on an efficient and secure software setup on their computer in their daily life. Home users as well as business users easily profit from the service UpdateStar provides. UpdateStar delivers focused information regarding the user own software only - as soon as it is available.

Key Features 
 One-stop information place for the individual software setup including information, downloads and status

 Addition to the Windows Update Service

 Reduces a computer's vulnerability level caused by outdated software

 Personalizes updates: can be configured according to the users needs

 Enhances the "Add or Remove Programs" experience

 Security levels and alerts - for optimal vulnerability protection (Premium Edition)

 Minor and major upgrades - complete update information (Premium Edition)

 Exports of complete software setup - for backups of your setup (Premium Edition)
Packshot low-res web Packshot (6 KB, .png)

Packshot high-res print

 (5 MB, .png)

Logo low-res web

 UpdateStar logo
 (2 KB, .gif)

Logo high-res print

 UpdateStar logo
 (0.8 MB, .tif, cmyk)

Screenshots low-res web Screenshot 1 (0.2 MB, .png)                                        Screenshot 2 (0.2 MB, .png)

Screenshot 3 (0.2 MB, .png)                                        Screenshot 4 (0.2 MB, .png)

Screenshots high-res print Screenshot 1 (1.2 MB, .png)                                 Screenshot 2 (1.7 MB, .png)

Screenshot 3 (1.6 MB, .png)                                 Screenshot 4 (1.0 MB, .png)

Requirements  Windows 11, 10, 8.1, 8, 7, Vista
Internet connection
Technical Support
Contacts  Press: Frank Alperstaedt, Tel +49-30-692006520, Email 

General info: Tel +49-30-69200652, Email
Trademarks  UpdateStar™ and UpdateStar logos are copyrighted trademarks. 
about UpdateStar
The team 
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UpdateStar Free & Premium application facts
UpdateStar Drivers application facts
UpdateStar Online Backup application facts
UpdateStar Product Key Finder application facts
UpdateStar Password Finder application facts
UpdateStar SigParser application facts
UpdateStar Video Converter application facts
UpdateStar AppCleaner application facts

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